Better a Pedophile than a Democrat

Get ready to horror-barf. Here’s today’s write up of the Sarah Huckabee Sanders Daily Briefing

Erin Steiner
Extra Newsfeed


When I started covering Trump and his surrounding sycophants I did so because I wanted to be a buffer between that level of ignorant hatred and everybody I care about. After all, I had been married into a whole clan (and I do not use that word lightly) of Donald Trumps. I knew what they were about and how to shield my heart from their ick. I even understood, at least intellectually and objectively speaking, how the Donald Trumps of the world processed external stimuli and how it would inform their behaviors.

Even someone who thrives on stirring up chaos like Trump does can become predictable if you deal with them often enough.

This especially felt true for the “Daily” Press Briefing. Yes, Sean Spicer said mostly stupid and inflammatory stuff. And yes, his combative stance with the press hurt him more than it helped the administration but still: tolerable. I could focus on his policy ignorance and “IMMA FIGHT YOU” approach and brush off the residual yuck of his briefings pretty quickly.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, on the other hand, does not get goaded into fights with reporters. Instead she uses the stereotypical mean girl shtick to shut down reporters that she Just. Can’t. Even. If she doesn’t want to answer a question she’ll just move on to another reporter as if the question hasn’t been asked. Admittedly her ability to deliver the administration’s blatant and terrible lies with such deadpan-matter-of-factness has always been disturbing. Still, while her briefings were their own version of infuriating, it didn’t take me long to shake them off and focus on the actual news of the day.

Until today.

First I should tell you that I wasn’t able to focus on the entire briefing. There were questions asked about the NAACP, the private spy organization rumors that scuttled around the edges of the news cycle this weekend, and even a few policy-specific questions.

But I didn’t fully hear most of them because I got stuck.

I got stuck trying to process Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ responses to the Roy Moore circus that somehow keeps getting even more disgusting.

For those who haven’t been following the story (and honestly, I don’t blame you), over the weekend and today the Trump administration and the RNC have moved from dancing coyly around qualifications like “if the allegations are true” and the pulling of funding to a full-throated endorsement and defense of “Call Me Daddy” Roy Moore.

They’d probably ask for the other pill. Image source


According to Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the presumptive official voice of the Trump administration, it is better to be a pedophile than it is to be a Democrat.

According to the Trump administration, you can abuse as many little girls as you want as long as you hop-to when we tell you how to vote.

Obviously, the paraphrasing here is mine, but just barely.

Over and over again I watched as reporters tried to impress upon Sarah Huckabee Sanders that her boss was endorsing a pedophile and, by extension, child abuse. They asked her about the administration’s moral authority and whether that one vote was really worth that much. Each time she shrugged off the idea because…

…I don’t even know why.

There comes a point when a job stops being worth it — especially when you are privileged enough to have the choice to walk away. This isn’t the only job option open to Sarah Huckabee Sanders. And you have to wonder where that point is for her. I mean, I’m all for separating the personal from the professional but Jesus Fricking Christ. Surely being told to defend child molesters is where it’s okay to let your personal beliefs outweigh your professional obligation, right?

You are against child molestation, right Sarah?

Maybe try to *not* look bored when talking about child molesters? Image Source

Worse still is that this? Is not surprising. It is shocking and horrifying and sickening, but not a surprise.

This is the party that passed incredibly harmful tax reform in the dead of night on a weekend without reading the bill first because they wanted to be able to say they’d passed something big this year.

This is the party that decided murdering first graders was okay as long as the NRA didn’t get mad.


The GOP is the party that would rather its members rape young girls than let them see doctors.

And they’re not even sorry about it. At least not while they’re on the record.

Here’s today’s Daily Briefing Storify.

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Erin Steiner
Extra Newsfeed

Freelance writer, blogger, journalist. Managing Editor/Lead Writer for GeekPortland. Currently independently covering the Trump admin.